You are not alone – it’s okay to talk about your mental health.

“You haven’t seemed yourself lately, you ok?”

This week on Stokie Street Katie has noticed that Dre doesn’t quite seem himself, so asks him how he’s doing. This allows him to open up, and he is signposted towards support and advice, as well as being reminded that he is not alone, and people are there for him.

Young People’s Mental Health

Youth is a critical time in a person’s mental health and 1 in 6 5–16-year old’s now have a diagnosable mental health disorder, with 6 in 10 also saying they experience difficulties such as low mood, eating disorders and self-harming behaviours. Despite this, young people are often unlikely to seek help, or talk about how they feel. This can be for a number of factors including difficulty opening up, feeling alone, not knowing who to turn to or where to go, or perceiving stigma. An issue which clearly needs addressing.

This is why it is so important to talk, and our animation aims to reiterate this message: that whilst it may seem difficult to open up about how you feel, this can not only open the door to the support which is out there, but help aid recovery and boost mood. A wide range of tailored information and support is available for young people, including online tips and information and local support services. See below for a selection of what is available.
Cartoon Katie and Dre side-by-side


Online information and tips

  • Combined Wellbeing: Online information, tips, and resources on a number of topics including body image, bullying, feeling anxious, anger and much more.
  • Stoke-on-Trent Community Directory where you can find mental health support in the city.
  • NHS Every Mind Matters, where you can take a short quiz to create your free Mind Plan to help you deal with stress, anxiety, improve sleep and boost mood.
  • Stem 4: Supporting teenage mental health, the founders of Youth Mental Health Day. They have a library of free mental health resources and apps, which can help teenagers manage symptoms of anxiety, manage low mood and resist the urge to self-harm. They also have an app which helps family and friends aid treatment, as well as educational resources and conferences.
  • Young Minds: fighting for young people’s mental health. Training and resources.

Local support services

If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm to yourself or someone else, then phone 999.
