A number of fact sheets are available from the Self Care Forum, which include useful facts, what people can do to help themselves and when to seek medical help. Topics include back pain, eczema, heartburn, constipation and strains and sprains.

The Self Care Forum fact sheets are aimed to help clinicians and service-users discuss issues around self-care within the practice/pharmacy setting and especially how to handle the symptoms in the future.

Find the full range here: https://www.selfcareforum.org/fact-sheets/

How can the Fact Sheets be used?

The fact sheets are free to download from the Self Care Forum website and may be printed and distributed without further permission.  If, however, the content is altered permission would need to be sought (email: [email protected]).

NHS CPCS Clinical Training 

As part of a collaboration with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), the Self Care Forum have also produced a brand-new fact sheet for conjunctivitis.

The NHS CPCS Clinical Training programme, which is free for pharmacists in England, will focus on 6 modules throughout 2022 including:

Eye health is the first module and registration is now open.  Expert optometrists and ophthalmic pharmacists will help attendees recognise different eye conditions, what treatments to recommend and when to refer people to further NHS services.

More information on the programme and how to register is available on the RPS website.