Resources in different languages
Зимова програма вакцинації (щеплення від Covid-19 та грипу)
Зимова програма вакцинації зараз триває у Стаффордширі та Сток-он-Тренті. Починаючи з 18 вересня, громадяни, які мають на це право, зможуть записатися на вакцинацію проти Covid-19
COVID-19 vaccine resources in Polish
A series of videos have been produced for members of the Polish community to promote the COVID-19 vaccine. They feature people who live and work
New to the UK routine vaccination leaflets This information is for anyone who has moved to the UK and advises them on the need to register with a GP to get up
COVID-19 Information in 35 Languages | Translators Without Borders
Translators without borders has produced a very useful table which translates 186 words and/or phrases associated with COVID-19 into 35 different languages. It also provides
COVID-19 Information in British Sign Language
SignHealth is committed to making sure coronavirus information is available in British Sign Language. Their vision is a world without barriers to good health and
BBC – What is long Covid? Advice in five South Asian languages
Reposted from the BBC website, 31st August 2021 – Advice about ‘long covid’ in five South Asian languages: Punjabi, Urdu, Sylheti, Gujarati, and Tamil. “Most