Thank you to all champions who took the time to complete our recent feedback survey, to gain your opinions on how we should develop the project, and what we have put in place so far, including:
- A bespoke website providing a focal point for information, news and resources to support you as champions;
- A range of social media platforms to share information, raise awareness and provide a means to engage your communities;
- A weekly ebulletin to communicate with you all;
- A fortnightly Q&A and Networking Session where you can ask questions and hear reflections from other champions;
- A training programme to support your work as champions but also to provide transferable skills to utilise in your wider work or volunteering roles;
The full report is now available to read here
The survey remains open so we can gather as much feedback as possible, and so we would appreciate that if you have not already, you could fill it out here: