From NHS Midlands
In response to the confirmed coronavirus variant cases in Leek we are encouraging all eligible people in Leek to book their COVID-19 vaccine appointment now.
The majority of people in the top nine priority groups have already been vaccinated with at least one dose and are expected to complete their treatment with the second dose within the next 14 days.
There are, however, many under 50 who are yet to be vaccinated and have not yet booked appointments to be protected against coronavirus. We have three vaccines available across the system, and all are effective against both coronavirus and the known variants.
We are encouraging everyone who is eligible but unvaccinated to come forward now if they live in Leek or have connections to schools in the town, either through employment or because they have a child who is a pupil.
Appointments are available via your GP, Pharmacy clinics and at our large vaccination centres, and additional clinics are being planned. More details will follow so please look out for information about these.
Special clinics are being provided from Monday 7 June for anyone in Leek aged 18 and over who are unvaccinated for first-dose Moderna vaccinations. These pop-up clinics are only available for people living in Leek, people with children attending Leek schools, or people who work at a Leek school.
Clinics will run from Monday 7 June to Wednesday 16 June. People can book by registering online or by calling 01785 898844, and should bring proof of identity showing home address. People who work at a Leek school or have children attending a school in Leek but live outside of the town should bring evidence of their connection (proof of employment or registered pupil).
We are advising people:
- If you are 40 or over and yet to be vaccinated you can book via your GP or online via the National Booking Serviceor by calling 119. There is sufficient vaccine stock to give the best protection for everyone
- People aged 30 to 39 years who are already booked in for a vaccination should ensure they attend their appointment to get the best protection against coronavirus. Please do not waste your appointment
- If you have had one COVID-19 vaccine and are due to have your second, please ensure you attend your appointment to complete the course of treatment
- If you are over 18 and live in Leek or have a connection with a Leek school (through employment or children attending) you can book by registering online or by calling 01785 898844.
We are confirming details of the later clinics so it may be that only some availability is shown when people try to book, so we would encourage people to keep checking back, and if they are over 30 to also consider other clinics where they can also book.
We are also calling for people who can spare time as a volunteer to come forward. Anyone able to spare some time to support the increased demand on the vaccination programme can register by emailing [email protected]. Roles include car parking marshalling, meeting and greeting and signposting patients, marshalling a clinical observation area and administration support. All volunteers will be provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and will be given a full safety briefing and the necessary support and information by the clinical team. Support from the local community is hugely appreciated in our efforts to reduce the spread of coronavirus.