Are you concerned about a vulnerable person in the local community?

The You Know Who campaign is rolling out from March 2023 across all of Staffordshire. This campaign encourages community cohesion and local guardianship of those vulnerable within our neighbourhoods and ‘who we know’ are at risk of harm and need our protection. All the campaign asks for people to report concerns for those individuals. We provide police contact details and a QR code that takes you directly to an online reporting option. We also provide safeguarding numbers and are liaising with safeguarding for any sudden influx of reporting. There is also an anonymous option to report via Crime Stoppers.

Please be on the lookout for leaflet drops in your areas. This is a hyper-local campaign so locations will be calling upon people within their own neighbourhoods to look out for the vulnerable. Posters and billboards with similar messaging will also pop up in busier locations. We are really excited that this is happening across Staffordshire – a positive campaign engaging with communities; empowering them to action and encouraging their guardianship within their community.

Download a shareable poster here