In preparation for No Smoking Day on Wednesday 8 March 2023, ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) has created a new communications toolkit to support your local quit smoking marketing activity.

The theme for No Smoking Day this year is brain health and the link between smoking and dementia. ASH has been working with Alzheimer’s Research UK in development of the toolkit whose research demonstrates low awareness amongst smokers of the increased risk of dementia caused by smoking. The campaign will encourage smokers to ‘never give up giving up’ and signpost them to the NHS Better Health Quit Smoking website which includes a wealth of information and support to help smokers on their quitting journey.

ASH will launch their PR and social media activity on 22 February, running through to No Smoking Day on 8 March. Additional materials will be added to the toolkit in the next few weeks including the national press release (with regionalised versions which you can use locally) along with a video featuring a dementia expert.

There’s also a range of free quit smoking resources available on the DHSC Campaign Resource Centre to support ongoing quit smoking activity.