Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Virtual

Hosted by Everyone Health and CHC, MECC Healthy Conversations training is all about having healthier conversations and seeing the whole picture when interacting with others. Rather than telling people what to do, Making Every Contact Count is about recognising opportunities to talk to people about their wellbeing, using the practical skills of asking and listening, and is beneficial both in your role as a community health champion, and in day-to-day life.

See below for quotes from champions who have attended the training!

“The training was great. It’s made me think about how I phrase questions in conversations.  It’s made me think a lot more about ‘why’ questions. One of the highlights was learning about the Smarter Scale, I found that useful. I’d be happy to recommend the training to others as a confidence builder.”

The training is very inclusive using participants own experiences and beliefs. Each session is unique as it uses these prior experiences to prompt reflection and improved practice. The training gives practical skills that can be used immediately following the course.

Book your place here.

When booking, enter the following password: Stoke CHC


23 11 2022


10:00 am - 1:30 pm

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